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a letter of love

a prose poem/vignette inspired by the color pink.

a letter of love

Pink. Rosey, perfumey, sweet, soft pink. A smell so rousing, it bids defeat to open eyes as they slowly roll deep into the back of your head when you inhale, and exhaustion meets relief somewhere in the middle of your ribcage as your breath rolls out on your exhale. The comfort of our small brown barn cat sleeping serenely on a plush blanket placed for her by the open window, where the sun glistens on her whole body, illuminating each individual strand of her fur as it fluffs upwards like feathers floating in the rays of light and warmth. Two lively mallard ducks float on the surface of reservoir pond are surrounded by baby turtles who dry their shells atop the capacious branch that you left for them so they’d have a place to sit outside of the water, and you being exactly where I know you’ll be when the sun comes up.
Let it be an homage to where I am from and where I will go, with you. My lover who dabbles in divine timing, deep inside the forest in a home that is inviting and warm and safe and soft, and slow. Slow so that we can take our time in loving each other and draw each moment out as if it were our very last. Slow so that I can enjoy you in every second you choose me, my generous partner shrouded in soft pink light. Slow so that you may speak to me, with words made of dark caramel, laborious and mindful. And so that I may continue to be with you as long as each moment will allow me.
The striking nature of your soft touch like electricity in an overflowing bathtub. An abundance of rose-petals scattered gently on the water’s delicate surface and lit candles rain light in big peach-colored orbs on tall golden pole-like platforms above us. And the color pink illuminates the hues of everything in the room like a thin veil of silk that runs for 30 yards, folding in on itself in every direction as it cascades over – over you, over me, and everything in between. And in the space behind my eyelids, deep inside myself where it is safe, I find solace and comfort in the idea that you are also there, in that place, with nothing but pink in between.

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